Napisao/la Angelo Martins
Uredio/la David Johnson
Istinistost provjerio/la Evelina Laurinaityte
Živi moderator Jason Peterson
Zadnje ažuriranje siječanj 2025
Objava oglašavanja ⇾


Challenge Account Size Promo Codes Evaluation Cost (Discounted) Profit Targets Max Daily Loss Max Total Loss Min. Profit Split Payout Frequency Platforme za trgovanje Tradable assets EA's Allowed
1 Step 5.000,00 $ 50,00 $
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
1 Step 10.000,00 $ 100,00 $
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
1 Step 25.000,00 $ 200,00 $
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
1 Step 50.000,00 $ 300,00 $
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
1 Step 100.000,00 $ 500,00 $
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step 5.000,00 $ 50,00 $
8% 5%
From initial balance
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step 10.000,00 $ 100,00 $
8% 5%
From initial balance
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step 25.000,00 $ 200,00 $
8% 5%
From initial balance
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step 50.000,00 $ 300,00 $
8% 5%
From initial balance
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step 100.000,00 $ 500,00 $
8% 5%
From initial balance
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step
(2-Step Max)
5.000,00 $ 38,00 $
10% 5%
5% 4%
From end of day balance
10% 8%
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step
(2-Step Max)
10.000,00 $ 75,00 $
10% 5%
5% 4%
From end of day balance
10% 8%
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step
(2-Step Max)
25.000,00 $ 140,00 $
10% 5%
5% 4%
From end of day balance
10% 8%
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step
(2-Step Max)
50.000,00 $ 210,00 $
10% 5%
5% 4%
From end of day balance
10% 8%
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
2 Step
(2-Step Max)
100.000,00 $ 425,00 $
10% 5%
5% 4%
From end of day balance
10% 8%
From initial balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
3 Step 10.000,00 $ 70,00 $
6% 6% 6%
From end of day balance
From end of day balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
3 Step 25.000,00 $ 150,00 $
6% 6% 6%
From end of day balance
From end of day balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
3 Step 50.000,00 $ 225,00 $
6% 6% 6%
From end of day balance
From end of day balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali
3 Step 100.000,00 $ 375,00 $
6% 6% 6%
From end of day balance
From end of day balance
80% BiWeekly
cTrader MT5 Match Trader
Forex Indeksi Nafta / energija Kriptovalute Metali

Evaluation Rules

For the most accurate and up-to-date rules please refer to the company's official terms and conditions along with their FAQ.

Rule Value Details
EA Usage Restricted (with conditions) EAs are allowed but with restrictions. Market-purchased EAs for copy trading, any EA on Platform 5, and EAs for prohibited strategies are banned.
Overnight and Weekend Holding Allowed You can hold trades overnight and through the weekend across all account types and phases. Note that overnight trades incur swap fees, with a 3-day swap fee on Wednesdays.
Copy Trading Allowed (with heavy restrictions) Copy trading is permitted only from accounts you own and actively trade. EAs are not allowed for copy trading. Use different settings to avoid mimicking others. Copying from other traders or across multiple accounts is prohibited.
Trading Strategies Some Allowed, Some Restricted Martingale is not mentioned. High-Frequency Trading (HFT) is strictly prohibited, as is tick scalping. Hedging is allowed within a single account but prohibited across multiple accounts or firms. Reverse trading is also prohibited.
Inactivity Not Allowed (30-day rule) Maintain account activity with at least one trade every 30 days. Inactivity beyond 30 days leads to automatic account archival and permanent loss.
News Trading Restricted (Live Simulated Accounts) News trading is permitted during the Challenge Phase but prohibited on Live Simulated Accounts. A 3-minute restriction is in place around high-impact news. Trades opened or closed within this window will have profits removed. Holding trades through the restricted window is permitted.
IP Address/VPN/VPS Consistency Required Maintain a consistent IP address region across purchasing, evaluation, and Master trading. Regional changes may require verification with proof of location.
Prohibited Trading Practices/Gambling Policy Not Allowed This includes reverse trading, group hedging, and purchasing or providing account management services. Also, HFT, exploiting service errors, using external data feeds, market manipulation, violating platform terms, using unfair advantage tools, and non-representative trading are prohibited. Gambling is not explicitly defined but likely includes excessive risk-taking.
Trading Period Unlimited Evaluation demo accounts have unlimited time to complete the process. Traders must still meet evaluation criteria, including profit targets, risk management, and consistent performance.
Minimum Trading Days 1 Day Minimum, 3 Profitable Days (for some phases) All demo accounts require a minimum of one trading day. 1-Step, 2-Step, and 2-Step MAX evaluations require at least three profitable days (at least 0.5% profit).
Misc. Rules Various Violating Daily or Maximum Drawdown Rules results in demo account termination. Use your own crypto wallet for all transactions. No third-party trading is allowed. Do not change account passwords.

MyFundedFX Profil

Naziv tvrtke MyFunded Solutions LLC
Kategorije Proprietary Trading Firm
Primarna kategorija Proprietary Trading Firm
Godina osnutka 2022
Sjedište Ujedinjene države
Lokacije ureda Ujedinjene države
Tečaj računa USD
Podržani jezici arapski, bugarski, kineski, Engleski, francuski, njemački, grčki, madžarski, indonezijski, talijanski, japanski, korejski, Polirati, Portugalski, rumunski, ruski, španjolski, Tajlandska, turski, vijetnamski, češki, persijski, Filipinac, Hrvatski
Metode financiranja Credit/Debit Card, Crypto wallets
Financijski instrumenti Forex, Indeksi, Nafta / energija, Kriptovalute, Metali
Zabranjene zemlje Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati, Bjelorusija, Centralna Afrička Republika, Kongo, Kuba, Alžir, Etiopija, Irak, Iran, Kenija, Sjeverna Koreja, Libanon, Libija, Mianmar, Nikaragva, Filipini, Pakistan, Rusija, Sudan, Somalija, Sirija, Venezuela, Vijetnam, Jemen, Republika Kongo
Prihvaća kanadske klijente
Prihvaća japanske klijente
Društveno trgovanje

MyFundedFX Mrežni promet

Naši podaci o web prometu dobiveni su od SimilarWeba i sažetak su podataka o prometu svih web stranica povezanih s dotičnim brokerom. Organski posjeti su oni za koje broker nije platio, na temelju dostupnih podataka. Ti se podaci ažuriraju mjesečno i mogu se temeljiti na podacima kupljenim od pružatelja internetskih usluga, mjernim podacima o prometu koje je pružila treća strana, kao što je Google Analytics, koje je tvrtka odlučila podijeliti sa servisom SimilarWeb itd.

Internetske stranice
Organski mjesečni posjeti 308.812 (99 %)
Rang organskog prometa 13 od 31 (Proprietary Trading Firm)
Plaćeni mjesečni posjeti 1.808 (1 %)
Ukupan broj mjesečnih posjeta 310.620
Stopa odbijanja 50 %
Stranica po posjeti 2,33
Prosječno trajanje posjeta 00:01:34.1510000

MyFundedFX Vrste računa

  1-step 1-step-max 2-step 2-step-max 3-step
Maksimalna poluga30:1
Platforma za mobilne uređajecTrader Mobile, Proprietary
platforma za trgovanjecTrader, MT5, Match Trader
Vrsta spreadaVariable Spread
Minimalni polog200300200300500
Minimalni opseg trgovanja0,01
Klizni stop-nalozi
Skalping dozvoljen
Zaštita od rizika dozvoljena
Maksimalna poluga 30:1
platforma za trgovanje cTraderMT5Match Trader
Platforma za mobilne uređaje cTrader MobileProprietary
Vrsta spreada Variable Spread
Minimalni polog 200
Minimalni opseg trgovanja 0,01
Klizni stop-nalozi
Skalping dozvoljen
Zaštita od rizika dozvoljena
Maksimalna poluga 30:1
platforma za trgovanje cTraderMT5Match Trader
Platforma za mobilne uređaje cTrader MobileProprietary
Vrsta spreada Variable Spread
Minimalni polog 300
Minimalni opseg trgovanja 0,01
Klizni stop-nalozi
Skalping dozvoljen
Zaštita od rizika dozvoljena
Maksimalna poluga 30:1
platforma za trgovanje cTraderMT5Match Trader
Platforma za mobilne uređaje cTrader MobileProprietary
Vrsta spreada Variable Spread
Minimalni polog 200
Minimalni opseg trgovanja 0,01
Klizni stop-nalozi
Skalping dozvoljen
Zaštita od rizika dozvoljena
Maksimalna poluga 30:1
platforma za trgovanje cTraderMT5Match Trader
Platforma za mobilne uređaje cTrader MobileProprietary
Vrsta spreada Variable Spread
Minimalni polog 300
Minimalni opseg trgovanja 0,01
Klizni stop-nalozi
Skalping dozvoljen
Zaštita od rizika dozvoljena
Maksimalna poluga 30:1
platforma za trgovanje cTraderMT5Match Trader
Platforma za mobilne uređaje cTrader MobileProprietary
Vrsta spreada Variable Spread
Minimalni polog 500
Minimalni opseg trgovanja 0,01
Klizni stop-nalozi
Skalping dozvoljen
Zaštita od rizika dozvoljena

Osvrti korisnika: MyFundedFX

(0 )
Nije rangirano (Proprietary Trading Firm)

Novije ocjene korisnika imaju veći utjecaj od starijih, a ocjene korisnika nemaju utjecaja nakon što protekne 5 ili više godina. Što više recenzija tvrtka dobije, to je veća maksimalna moguća ukupna ocjena korisnika. Nakon 100 recenzija tvrtka može dobiti najvišu ocjenu, koja je jednaka prosjeku ocjena korisnika koje je dobila.

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