Fibonacci Calculator
Investování do aktiv, jako jsou akcie, dluhopisy, kryptoměny, futures, opce a CFD, s sebou nese značná rizika. CFD jsou obzvláště rizikové - 74-89 % retailových účtů přichází o peníze kvůli vysoké páce a složitosti. Kryptoměny a opce vykazují extrémní volatilitu, zatímco futures mohou také vést ke značným ztrátám. Dokonce i akcie a dluhopisy mohou při poklesu trhu rychle znehodnotit a v případě krachu emitující společnosti může být zajištěna úplná ztráta. Kromě toho záleží na stabilitě vašeho makléře; v případě úpadku je pro ochranu vašeho majetku zásadní přítomnost účinného systému odškodnění investorů. Je nezbytné sladit tyto investice se svými finančními cíli a v případě potřeby se poradit s finančními odborníky, abyste se orientovali na složitých finančních trzích.
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Poslední aktualizace: 09.02.2024
Use our accurate Fibonacci Levels Calculator to quickly plot the Fibonacci retracement and extension levels of several financial instrument, including forex, cryptos and indices.
What is a Fibonacci Levels Calculator
A Fibonacci calculator is a tool used to calculate key Fibonacci retracement and extension levels based on the Fibonacci sequence, which is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on). These Fibonacci levels are widely used in technical analysis to identify potential support and resistance levels in financial markets. The most common Fibonacci levels used in trading are the 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, and 100% retracement levels, as well as extension levels such as 161.8%, 261.8%, and 423.6%.
To calculate Fibonacci retracement and extension levels, you'll typically need to know two price points: a significant low (for retracements) or a significant high (for extensions) and a corresponding significant high (for retracements) or a significant low (for extensions). Here's how to calculate these levels:
Fibonacci Retracement Levels:
Identify a significant low and a corresponding significant high on a price chart. These are typically key turning points in the price movement.
Calculate the price difference between the significant high and low.
Multiply the price difference by the Fibonacci retracement levels: 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, and 100%. These percentages represent potential retracement levels.
Subtract each of these calculated values from the significant high to find potential support levels if the price is retracing lower.
Fibonacci Extension Levels:
Identify a significant high and a corresponding significant low on a price chart. These are typically key turning points in the price movement.
Calculate the price difference between the significant high and low.
Multiply the price difference by the Fibonacci extension levels: 161.8%, 261.8%, and 423.6%. These percentages represent potential extension levels.
Add each of these calculated values to the significant low to find potential resistance levels if the price is extending higher.
Many trading platforms and charting software provide built-in Fibonacci tools that can automatically calculate and draw these levels on a price chart. All you need to do is select the Fibonacci tool and click on the significant high and low points on the chart.
Fibonacci retracement and extension levels are used by traders to identify potential areas of price reversal or continuation. Traders often look for confluence between Fibonacci levels and other technical indicators to make trading decisions. Keep in mind that Fibonacci levels are not foolproof, and they should be used in conjunction with other analysis methods and risk management strategies.